About IWAH
The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), The Wildlife Institute of India (WII), The Royal Veterinary College, The University of Edinburgh (UoE), The University of Melbourne (UoM), Toronto Zoo, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) have been motivated to run this course in recognition of the need to conserve globally important biodiversity in South Asia, East Africa, and other biodiverse areas, which are also a hotspot for wildlife diseases and conflict. These wildlife diseases are relatively unstudied and unchecked, therefore is an important need for greater expertise in, and greater numbers of, wildlife health professionals to tackle them. Such wildlife health professionals are needed to undertake interventions in the health, welfare and conservation of wild animals, to investigate emerging infectious diseases and to ensure human well-being.

Wild Animal population monitoring
Wildlife Health and Field Disease Investigation
Wildlife Crime and Forensic Investigation
Wild Animal Restraint and Anaesthesia
Participants will carry out a variety of practical and theoretical work, where they are given as many chances as possible to have a hands-on learning experience. Tuition will be carried out in the field to develop skills in human-livestock wildlife conflict management, disease outbreak investigation, forensic investigation and monitoring of the health of declining species. It will include techniques for field monitoring of wildlife (using a range of techniques including animal tracks and signs, dung/pellet identification and quantification, census techniques, camera trapping, and radio telemetry), biological management, visual health monitoring of free-living animals, best practice in wild animal anaesthesia techniques, demonstration and hands-on practice, clinical examination in the field, sampling techniques for infectious disease screening, pathological examination in the field, and disease surveillance scenarios.
Day 1
Arrival and transfer to first night hotel – Wildebeest Eco camp
Group dinner at the hotel
Days 2 & 3
Travel to main accommodation and teaching location – WRTI
Introductions from staff and students
Welcome dinner
Introduction to the course and field orientation visit
Days 4 & 5
Lectures and practical sessions on wild animal population monitoring
Practical sessions include camera trapping, radio telemetry, sign survey and line transects
Days 6 & 7
Lectures and practical sessions on field disease investigation
Investigation of a mock disease outbreak scenario in the field
Preparation, planning, and delivery of a pathological examination in a field setting
Days 8 & 9
Sessions covering aspects of the human-wildlife interface, including engagement with local communities
Day 10
Lectures and practical sessions on aquatic animal biology and disease investigation
Practical sessions including amphibian capture techniques and population monitoring
Day 11
Lecture and practical sessions on wildlife crime and forensics
Practical sessions include an identification session of wildlife parts and products, and mock crime scene investigation and management
Day 12
Day off with optional trip offsite to local sites of interest
Days 13, 14 & 15
Lectures and practical sessions on best practical wild animal restraint and anaesthesia
Practical sessions include restraint and anaesthesia of free-living wildlife, and darting from a moving vehicle
Day 16
Handling and identification of local species, covering a variety of taxa
Multiple choice question assessment
Day 17
Individual presentations on relevant case studies
End of course awards ceremony and farewell social event
Day 18
Departure for airport
The IWAH 2025 programme will run between 17th February – 6th March.
Written assignment, Field skill evaluation.
Eligibility & Costs
Candidates ideally have a recognised veterinary qualification to attend this course. Veterinary students in their clinical years of study may be considered if spaces become available.
MVetSci Conservation
Medicine Students
This course may be taken as an elective course within the Conservation Medicine MVetSci.
Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) Students
A number of places are also available for veterinarians who are not enrolled in the Conservation Medicine programme and wish to apply as CPD candidates.
Course fee for CPD students a total of
All spots are now full for our 2025 course. Please register your interest for 2026!
Course Location 2025 – Kenya, Naivasha
Wildlife Research Training Institute
Located in Naivasha, Kenya, the Wildlife Research Training Institute Campus will be host to several of our lectures and practical work for the 2025 course. The Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) was established with the understanding that a greater focus needs to be placed on providing relaiable scientific information on emerging wildlife conservation and management challenges.
Hells Gate National Park
Named for the intense geothermal activity within its boundaries, the Hell's Gate National Park is a remarkable quarter of the Great Rift Valley and one of our main sites for field based practical content delivery in 2025. Spectacular scenery including the towering cliffs, water-gouged gorges, stark rock towers, scrub clad volcanoes and belching plumes of geothermal steam make it one of the most atmospheric Parks in Africa. Hell’s Gate is an ideal venue for a day trip from Nairobi where, in addition to the bio-diversity that includes raptors, visitors can enjoy mountain biking, rock climbing and a natural spa.
Course Organisers

Dr Lee Skerratt
University of Melbourne

Dr Amanda Guthrie
Zoological Society of London

Alexandra Thomas
Zoological Society of London
2024 Course
2023 Course
2022 Course
2021 Course
2020 Course
2019 Course
2018 Course
2017 Course
2016 Course
26th February 2024 – by Dr Hamza Nadeem
For news and updates
If you are interested in receiving updates about the course including dates and locations please sign up using this form
If you are eligible and wish to apply for a space on our 2024 course please contact us at WildlifeHealthBridge@ioz.ac.uk.
Please include your name, qualifications, and a copy of your CV so we can confirm eligibility.