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27th March 2021 – (by Raj Kapur)

By 27th March 2021April 1st, 2021No Comments

27th March

by Raj Kapur

Today morning started with a beautiful song to commemorate the cool breeze that I kept humming due to the beautiful cool breeze that struck my room door. After finishing my all morning activities, I went for breakfast along with my colleagues. After breakfast, we rushed to the lecture hall sharply at 9:00 AM. Our lead tutor Dr Nigam Sir and Dr Bilal sir were already waiting for us to make the day useful and interesting. They interacted with us about disease surveillance and monitoring.

I am feeling pleased to write this blog and feel happy to state that they made this difficult topic about disease surveillance and monitoring easy to understand. After this informative and interesting theory class, we went to the forest area where already a virtual case was created for studying disease monitoring and surveillance. This virtual case of disease monitoring was very similar to the actual Field study. we collected the various type of data related to disease surrounding and affected animals. After recording all type of data once again we gathered in classroom for analysis of data with the help of our tutors. We analysed the data and discussed how to conclude the final results about disease outbreak.

This case study helped us how to handle the case of outbreak surveillance and monitoring in a real scenario. We had a brief interaction about radio telemetry and animal tracking by Dr Bilal. After this we went for lunch at 2:00 pm and again we assembled at the lecture hall at 4:00pm. We were enriched with a great talk on the essentials of disease outbreak investigation by Professor Naresh Jindal, Head Fept of Veterinary Public Health LLRVSU Hisar. Subsequently, he shared his experience of learning under the long-term surveillance program being conducted across India. He also discussed how to handle the disease outbreak. I am feeling immense pleasure to write about the end of the day because today activities ended with the meeting with our honourable Chief Wildlife Warden, Govt of Bihar Sh Prabhat Gupta Sir. It was quite encouraging to have him with us. We shared our experiences with him. Great day!

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